Handbook of Western Palearctic Birds řnsker bilder
The first volume (passerines) of the long-awaited book by Hadoram Shirihai & Lars Svensson, the HANDBOOK OF WESTERN PALEARCTIC BIRDS, is now being readied for publication. It will be the definitive work on the identification, plumage variation, racial identification and taxonomy of the birds of the region.

Black Bush Robin Cercotrichas podobe, Israel, from the forthcoming from the forthcoming Handbook of Western Palearctic Birds, A&C Black. © Hadoram Shirihai
The Handbook team has established a Western Palearctic Photographic Collection of almost all the bird species, races and plumage variations that occur in the region. More than 100 photographers have already contributed to the collection, including many of the most experienced and talented in Europe. However, the team is still seeking to improve the collection, and to find good images of a few missing species, subspecies and plumages. Thus, they are inviting contributions from photographers with high-quality or useful (for identification or ageing/sexing purposes) photographs taken in the field. Click here for a list of gaps in the collection. Images for submission should be sent in the first instance as low-resolution jpegs (or similar format). Please send these direct to the photographic editor of the project, René Pop, at pop.texel@texel.com. Note that the Handbook team are also interested in high-quality images of more common species that do not appear on this list. For further information and guidelines on how to submit photographs please click here.

Krüper's Nuthatch Sitta krueperi, Greece. From the forthcoming Handbook of Western Palearctic Birds, A&C Black. © René Pop
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